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Researching and Learning
Research involves finding articles written by reputable authors and published by trust-worthy organizations. Databases provide collections of carefully selected articles that often meet these requirements. NC Teacher Librarians recommend the databases on this page, but students should still evaluate each source and look for multiple sources on a topic before drawing a conclusion.

Gale in Context: Biography- articles and materials about people

Gale in Context:  Opposing Viewpoints- Information on social issues drawn from news articles, books, websites, and primary documents, highlighting the differences between contrasting viewpoints.

Gale in Context:  Global Issues- International viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events.

Gale in Context:  High School- Designed to be a single starting point for students at all levels. Formerly known at Student Resources in Context.

Gale in Context:  U.S. History- Learn about the most significant people, events, and topics through an overview of U.S. history.

Gale in Context:  World History- Learn about the most significant people, events, and topics in world history.

Academic Search Complete via INSPIRE- scholarly articles for in-depth research

MAS Complete  via INSPIRE- wide range of magazines specifically for high school

Newspaper Source Plus  via INSPIRE- national and international newspapers and news transcripts

Points of View Reference Center - supporting high school students in providing current information on controversial topics

Additional helpful databases:

North Central's Database Subscriptions:

No need to log in to these databases when you are at school. Check the current Canvas Library course or Your teacher can share the login information for use of these at home.

  • Historical Newspapers  great for primary sources because these are copies of newspaper articles published from 1850 through present day

  • JSTOR gigantic collection of scholarly articles

  • ArtStor

Stop the spread of misinformation

News sources: Beware of bias. Factcheck the news you find on social media. Do some research on any journalist, author, or funding organization before using it in your project or sending it on to family and friends.

  • All Sides: Links to news stories from both liberal and conservative outlets.

  • investigates for false claims.

  • Snopes: Documented, thorough research to fight against misinformation.

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