Integrated Chemistry and Physics (ICP)
ICP: Evaluating information about electromagnetic waves from cell phones
ACTIVITY Spring 2023:
PART 1: Look at the three websites below relating to electromagnetic radiation.
" How to Get Cell Phone Signal in a Dead Zone?" by Wilson Amplifiers
"Does Aluminum Foil Block Radio Waves" by Educate EMF
"Non-Ionizing Radiation From Wireless Technology" by the United States Environmental Protection Agency
PART 2: Evaluate the websites above to determine which is the most reliable.
Use Google and Wikipedia to check out authors and organizations.
Determine if a website is selling OR educating.
Use a database for previously vetted articles (go to "Researching" tab above)
*Wilson Amplifiers does have a good website about materials that can reduce cell phone reception. It is NOT perfect...Wilson Amplifiers does not state where they get their information:
"11 Major Building Materials That Kill Your Cell Phone Reception."
Ms. Tschudy's ICP: Energy resources for electric power plants:
the video below was created by Dr. Seyhan Esoy on his YouTube channel "mekanizmalar."
GREAT INFOGRAPHIC: U.S. Department of Energy's infographic of a power grid showing how electricity gets to our homes
GREAT EBOOKS IN NC'S LIBRARY: To access these books on energy and electric power, login with your student login info (same as Canvas and Skyward).
More websites on Energy Resources for Power Plants
Energy Images - NASA
Energy Infobooks - National Energy Education Development Project; use the "Intermediate" or "Secondary" versions
Energy Kids -U.S. Energy Information Administration
Hydroelectric Power - U.S. Geological Survey
Energy Basics - National Renewable Energy Lab
Energy Sources - U.S. Dept. of Energy
Cost of energy sources:
International Energy Agency: Levelised Cost of Electricity
Acronyms: USD (United States dollars); LCOE (levelized cost of electricy)
Electricity in Indiana:
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA): INDIANA State Profile and Energy Estimate
Indiana Office of Energy Development (OED): Fuel Fact Sheets
New York Times: "How Does Your State Make Electricity?" (may need a subscription)
Elements and the Periodic Table
Royal Society of Chemistry Periodic Table of Elements: extensive info on all elements
WebElements: many languages and audio feature
Chem4Kids: only features the first 36 elements